Monday, July 16, 2012

Mean By Glee

Owww a cute song ! By Glee !

This song has a really special meaning for me, and I think for everyone too, Is about when you feel abused, and someone hurts you and treat you like if you're nothing and you sometimes feel like that is true, but you're special and you're better that this, and you keep moving and you surpass this and you are going to be an inspiration for someone that maybe It's happened for the same problem.
And you're going to change and he only is going to be mean, and he is never going to find someone to share his life.

I think that everyone wants someone to love you. And in a moment you feel so desperate because you think that you never going to find someone to love you, and you accept the abuse, but you deserve something good, you're a really special person and you need someone to love you, and makes you happy and respect you.

"So find someone who really appreciate you."

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